Thursday, June 20, 2013

Women’s Conference (Wednesday)

Each year our team hosts a Women’s Conference for the women from all the churches of the Presbytery.  This year Cynthia Howard, Casey Smith, Carole Campbell and Karen Williams led the conference on Discipleship, Personal Bible Study, Prayer and Family Relationships.
The singing and praising had already begun when they arrived at the Mbale Church where the conference was held.  They could tell it was going to be a good (but crazy) day when the church was full and the registration line was still very long.  Each year this is a very rewarding experience for us because the women are so receptive and appreciative of the training and materials they receive.  It’s such a pleasure to teach people who are so eager to learn and in turn teach those back at their own churches.  There were 76 churches represented and over 350 attendees.  The only downside of the day was running a little short of the materials that were to be handed out.   What a great problem to have---so many people eager to attend.  

1 comment:

  1. MAJOR shout-out for the photographers contributing to this blog. One picture truly can be worth a thousand words!
